View of our sorting center in Güssing

We are incredibly grateful for the huge amount of donations in kind that we received following our appeal for donations. So that we can distribute the relief supplies locally in a targeted and sensible way, it is important to sort them clearly. We also want to give the people in Rojava only donations in kind that are clean and in good condition.

In order for us to succeed, it is necessary to sort all relief supplies well (e.g. by type: toys, hygiene articles or cuddly toys) and pack them in banana boxes. In this way, we can enable safe transportation across the borders to Syria. This all takes place in our sorting center in Güssing. At this point, a big thank you to Ms. Sandra Rothmüller-Fink from the WIM-Center Güssing for the premises, we were allowed to use them again for several weeks for free!

And another big thank you goes to the many helping hands of our sorters: Because only with your support is it possible for us to sort such quantities of donations in kind and prepare them for transportation!

👀And here is a small insight into the quantities of relief supplies that were sorted in Güssing:

>> 120 children’s bikes

>> 600 dolls

>> 3,000 cuddly toys

>> 1,000 pairs of GEA-Waldviertler shoes

>> 300 Pkg. Diapers

>> 30 wheelchairs/walkers and 50 pairs of crutches

>> 300 school bags

and much, much more…

THANK YOU for every single item donated – you are great and together we are a real “caravan of humanity”.

If you would still like to support our aid project for the people in Syria, you are very welcome to make a donation! We will buy urgently needed relief supplies (such as medicines, food or clothing) locally.

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