THANK YOU – our review of 2024
Thanks to your support, we were once again able to achieve a great deal in 2024! Your donations and commitment have helped countless people in need - THANK YOU for being part of our caravan!
Thanks to your support, we were once again able to achieve a great deal in 2024! Your donations and commitment have helped countless people in need - THANK YOU for being part of our caravan!
Our two schools in Beirut/Lebanon were forced to close due to the war. However, thanks to our dedicated teachers, it was possible to continue teaching digitally, albeit in a rudimentary way.
While we are working on our new aid project here in Cyprus, our thoughts are often with our project partners and friends in Lebanon, just 200 km away.
Two schools in the middle of huge refugee ghettos in Beirut/Lebanon are among our heartfelt projects. Around 30,000 people live in each of these "ghettos", who are still considered refugees decades later ...
Back in 2021, we visited refugee camps in the mountains of Lebanon on the Bekaa Plain. We were shocked when we learned that people there freeze to death every year because of the cold.
We not only want to give, but above all we want to warm hearts, live solidarity and laugh together.
Pupils from different parts of Austria write lovingly designed letters, which we then hand over to the pupils in our schools in Beirut.
Our two school projects in Beirut/Lebanon are very close to our hearts. So we seized the opportunity and used our trip to Syria to visit these projects.
To help families through the icy winter cold in the north of Lebanon, we have been regularly funding heating material since February 2022.
Even if the children in Lebanon have to grow up under - for us - unimaginable conditions, the joy of life should never be neglected.