DONATION CALL for refugee families in Cyprus
Help us to successfully implement our next project: In October, we will be traveling to Cyprus to support refugee families!
Confronting the causes of flight with love, hope & humanity
Over the last few weeks, we have tried to give an insight into the difficult reality of life for Cubans. With the caravan, we are usually where escape has already happened. In Cuba we were ...
Support for the “Orange Moon” project
Over 40 musicians came together years ago under the name "La Luna Naranja" to create their own cultural center. But this flagship project was on the brink of collapse.
Project in harmony with nature – “El Caliman”
Everyone has probably heard of the Rastafarians in Jamaica. The fact that there are also Rastafarians in Cuba, on the other hand, is more insider knowledge. This community lives in complete harmony with nature.
A glimpse of hope through the “window to the valley”
Around 300 km west of Havana lies the Viñales Valley, one of the tourist hotspots. There, we supported the socio-cultural project "Ventana al Valle".
Dancing as a source of life for street children
One of the projects we have supported in Cuba is "Niños en la frontera" in the capital Havana, more precisely in the middle of the social hotspot district "La Lisa".
The genesis
In September 2020, travel photographer Pascal Violo made a mark of humanity: at the time, he didn’t know that his commitment was contagious. Because his impulse to help the people in the refugee camp Kara Tepe on Lesbos (Greece) also motivated many others to do their part and so a caravan was created in the middle of Austria. Namely that of humanity.
Our pillars of action
The three pillars of the KARAWANE’s impact are monetary donations, relief goods and joie de vivre. Because on site, professional clowns, acrobats and artists distribute the donations and put a smile on the faces of people in need with their extraordinary performances. For our support team, it is the best thing to be able to experience people so happy and detached from their difficult everyday life.
Our projects
The CARAVAN OF HUMANITY travels to various projects in and around Europe to help refugees in need with donations of money, relief supplies and a zest for life.
Help for Cuba
The Karawanis Pascal and Bruno have had strong professional ties with Cuba for decades, so they could not stand idly by and watch their "compañeros" and "compañeras" suffer hardship and started this project for Cuba.
Help for refugees in Rojava/Syria
Die Karawane reist im November wieder nach Rojava um erneut Hilfe zu leisten. Abertausende Binnengeflüchtete leben in dieser Region im Nordosten des ehemaligen Syriens in riesigen Zeltcamps.
Help for the shepherd people of the Afar / Ethiopia
In mid-February 2023, the Karawanis Pascal, Bruno and Caso were in Ethiopia to support the Afar pastoralist people there and at the same time directly combat the causes of flight.
Help for refugees in Kurdistan/Iraq
Our last aid project took our 12-member aid team to the north of Iraq, more precisely to Kurdistan. More than 2 million refugees live there. Most of them are internally displaced persons.
Help for refugees in Calais/France
Refugees have to endure terrible conditions in the north of France. In November 22, a Caravan relief team traveled to the site to help.
Help for orphans in Lebanon
Thousands of refugee orphans live in the small country of Lebanon. The caravan finances urgently needed relief supplies and supports school projects.
Help for war orphans from Syria
We support two orphanages in Syria and Turkey, where children live who lost their parents in the terrible war of recent years.
Help for Kara Tepe/Greece
Inhumane conditions prevail in the Kara Tepe refugee camp on the island of Lesbos. The caravan helps with monetary and material donations and gives hope.