Return home: Our emotional summary
A few days ago we returned to Austria and since then we have been carrying a somewhat heavier heart… Our last relief mission in Calais had an enormous emotional range to offer: On the one hand, we worked with a very professional and determined NGO on the ground, where – despite all the focus on supporting the people in need – there was always fun in the work and in being together.
On the other hand, we distributed much-needed warm clothing just as the harsh winter hit northern France. And while thick snowflakes danced from the sky, we ran frantically from tent to tent and from tarp to tarp to be able to hand out a warm blanket or jacket to as many freezing people as possible. After this mission we could return to our warm quarters. But the images in our heads, the increasing cold that night and the knowledge that thousands of refugees outside had to survive the night, did not let us sleep well…
Nevertheless, it is always this strong feeling of not wanting to and not being able to accept this terrible inhumanity that drives us. And this feeling also gives us the strength to push the sad images into the background and to see what we can achieve together. And on the way back, we all agreed again that every minute of this aid project was worth being there, getting involved and fighting for a better world.