Your help counts:
Let’s give orphans in Lebanon prospects

Although Lebanon is a very small country with an area about the size of Upper Austria, more than two million refugees live there. Including thousands of orphans who have to work and beg on the streets of the cities in order to ensure their survival. In addition, the terrible economic and political situation in Lebanon makes everyday life difficult. The prices have risen by 300%, there is an acute shortage of supplies and in some places even a lack of water.
The orphans, some of whom have been severely traumatized and who have fled, in particular, urgently need a safe place to live and a place at school in order to be able to better deal with their emotional injuries. In order to help these children on site, we support the NGO “Welfare Association”, which gives the orphans security in the form of accommodation, education and psychological and social support.
Due to the large number of orphans and the hopeless situation of the country, the work of the NGO is extremely difficult and there is a lack of many things: The children have too little warming clothing for the winter, there are no school supplies, they often have little to eat and no access to clean water.
The situation on site is really worrying and therefore we ask for your support: Let us together give the orphans who have fled the country prospects, we give them access to education and we give them hope for a better life!
You can help with donations in kind (still possible until September 29th) and of course with donations of money, no matter how small!
Our donation account:
Caravan of Humanity, Raiffeisenbank Güssing, IBAN: AT14 3302 7000 0002 3408
Thank you for your solidarity!

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