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After a few weeks in Lebanon, between hundreds of impoverished and orphaned children, in dreary refugee camps and orphanages, we have now arrived back in Austria. But as sad as the picture was in some places, it was also nice to see the bright children’s eyes when we could give the children an extraordinary time with our shows and the relief supplies.

We are happy and grateful that we were able to help many people in Lebanon. We have said it many times, but we cannot repeat it often enough: THANK YOU to everyone who supported us – you make it possible for us to help at all!

And THANK YOU to our excellent team on site: Bruno, Sonja, Markus, Clowns without Borders (Heiko, Stefan, Anita and Elke), Aramis (Dr Bubble) and Pascal. You are just great!

Our impressions are still having a strong impact and everyday life here doesn’t seem to be entirely real to us. Our problems here seem so small in comparison to the daily struggles of many people in Lebanon for survival.

And as a reminder: With only 5 euros (!) You can give someone warmth for a month and thus a little security for the winter. Please keep donating and especially help the local children to survive the winter.


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