A drop in the ocean
A few days ago we all experienced extremely moving encounters in northern Lebanon: We were in the mountains near the small town of Arsal and the border with Syria for the first time. There are currently more than 30,000 refugee Syrians living in the refugee camps around Arsal.
Hundreds of orphans were among them, as many adults were chased and murdered by fighter planes in the last few meters before they could cross the border into Lebanon. The stories people tell about their escape are hair-raising, horrific and made us cry …
The camps are up to 2,000 meters above sea level. It often snows here in mid-November and it gets very, very cold in winter. During our visit, people tell us that children freeze to death here every winter because they do not have enough winter clothing and heating oil.
Bruno Maul, one of our helpers on site, on his work in the mountains around Arsal: “Never before have I been so aware on this trip that with our donations and our actions – this drop in the ocean that everyone is putting on of the caravan directly and indirectly involved here – actually (children’s) human lives are saved. “
The team of the Caravan of Humanity decided on site to use € 6,000 of the donations to finance at least some families with fuel for the winter. It costs € 5 per person to be able to heat in the coldest month! With our donation we can help 1,200 people (including 1,000 children) not to have to freeze for a month. We would like to thank all donors who made this possible.
Anyone who would like to give the people in the mountains of Lebanon even more warmth is cordially invited to help.
Our donation account:
Caravan of Humanity, Raiffeisenbank Güssing
IBAN: AT14 3302 7000 0002 3408, BIC: RLBBAT2E027
Thank you for your compassion and your solidarity!