Our collection points say “thank you”!
Thanks to hundreds of donors, we were able to collect 10,500 kg of donations in kind in 1,245 boxes for people in need in Bosnia!
You guys are really great! A HUGE thank you to all of our fundraisers who make this in-kind help possible in the first place! And an equally big thank you to Wagner Immobilien Management, who once again made the premises of the sorting center in Güssing available to us!
Even though the collection of relief supplies for our current project in Bosnia has now been completed, we still need your help: Because donations of money are still urgently needed in order to get groceries and medicines on site together with the NGO SOS Bihac. Every small contribution helps us, together we can set a sign of humanity!
THANK YOU for the valuable support to:

Every donation helps to alleviate the misery of these people. The donations in kind and money are distributed on site in cooperation with the partner organization “SOS Bihac” or used for urgent purchases (food, medication).
Together we help the needy, refugees on the border and the impoverished locals.
And together we can set a sign of humanity.