Appeal for donations: Help for people in need in Bihac / Bosnia
In a few days, our aid team will travel to Bosnia again to help the refugees stranded at the Croatian border and also the impoverished locals.
Thousands of refugees are stuck in and around Bihac, a town on the Bosnian border with Croatia. The winters there are harsh and entry into Europe is not legally possible. So these people are exposed to the cold and the snow without protection. Many locals cannot take care of themselves properly either, they have to freeze and have too little to eat. The CARAVAN OF HUMANITY will support the people in Bosnia both financially and with relief supplies!
The collection of donations has already been completed. Nevertheless, we still need your support and urgently ask for monetary donations for the needy people. If as many people as possible make a small contribution, great things can be achieved and the misery in Bosnia can be alleviated a little.
Every donation helps to alleviate the misery of these people. The donations in kind and money are distributed on site in cooperation with the partner organization “SOS Bihac” or used for urgent purchases (food, medication).
Together we help the needy, refugees on the border and the impoverished locals.
And together we can set a sign of humanity.