At home under a tarp
There are over 2 million refugees in Kurdistan. Most of them are internally displaced persons who had to leave their villages due to war and terror.
There are over 2 million refugees in Kurdistan. Most of them are internally displaced persons who had to leave their villages due to war and terror.
A few days ago our relief team returned safe and sound from Kurdistan/Iraq. The Kurds are an exceptionally friendly people.
Thanks to the wonderful solidarity of hundreds of donors, we were able to present many, many children with donations in kind in the last few days.
At our current aid project in Kurdistan, the soap bubble artist Dr. Bubbles and four clowns were again present.
In the last few days we were able to give 1,000 children in Kurdistan/Iraq new shoes. This was made possible by the company GEA Waldviertler.
This time again the "mobile painting room" of the art school Pfullendorf accompanies us and brings fun and color into the lives of the children in Kurdistan.
After 14 days of hoping that everything will go well, the truck with the collected donations in kind made it and arrived well in Kurdistan/Iraq!
We arrived well in Iraq and are now in the middle of Kurdistan in the area around the city of Dohuk. There are many huge refugee camps there ...
It's done: 12.9 tons of donations in kind packed in 1,200 banana cartons started their long journey to Iraq today.
In our sorting office in Güssing, the donations in kind are sorted according to type, gender and size and then packed in banana boxes.