Become a supporting member now!
Many people have been working on the projects with great passion since the founding of the caravan in 2020. We are proud of the fact that we always implement the projects with great commitment and joy together as a team. In this way, we have already been able to help countless people who have fallen on hard times during their flight and give them new perspectives on life. The idea of solidarity and of this one human family are for us a great and important drive for our daily actions.
However, the time required for our dedicated volunteer work is very large. Some in the team spend meanwhile several months a year to prepare the projects, to organize the collections of donations in kind and finally also to visit the projects. All expenses incurred on these trips are gladly and wholeheartedly borne privately by the project members.
In order to secure the existence of our projects in the long term, we now offer supporting memberships. You can become a member of the Caravan by supporting our association with a freely selectable monthly amount. This will help us to cover the costs of the project trips (travel, accommodation, meals). At the same time, by becoming a supporting member, you become part of the Caravan and actively contribute to the existence of our association! And most importantly, you help us to continue on our path of absolute donation transparency, so that the donations only benefit the projects themselves.

What do I have to do?
To become a Caravan member, please download our membership form (PDF, 730 kb), print it out, fill it in and return it to us (by e-mail or post).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
Tel.: +43 699/819 322 13 (Pascal Violo)
Use of contributions from supporting memberships
(as at 22.5.2024) There are currently 119 sponsoring memberships, which – apart from donations – amount to 24,285 euros per year. These are used for:
- Truck transportation costs (approx. € 6,000 per year)
- Customs duties for donations in kind (approx. € 2,000 per year)
- Charges to the donation account (approx. € 1,000 per year)
- Website costs (approx. € 300 per year)
- Printed matter and graphics (approx. € 700 per year)
- Special project costs on site such as rental cars, local helpers, transportation of donations in kind, etc. (approx. € 4,700 per year)
- Allowance for two office employees (approx. € 9,600 per year)