5,000 euros for the NGO “Home for All” on Lesbos
The caravan was “born” on Lesbos, as our very first project in 2020 took Pascal Violo to the Greek island together with a few other Carawanis to help refugees in need.
And on Lesbos, there is no getting around a local NGO: Greek couple Katarina and Nikos founded the NGO Home for All in 2015 because they could no longer stand idly by and watch the misery of stranded refugees. Since then, they have cooked for these needy people every single day and launched further aid campaigns.
Our Karawanis have already been to Lesbos several times, helping to cook, pack and distribute food to the people in the Kara Tepe camp. The refugees on Lesbos are still urgently dependent on the help and meals provided by the NGO. We have therefore once again supported Home for All with 5,000 euros so that this flagship project can continue to give hope.
Home for All and the Caravan have a very similar philosophy: we firmly believe that everyone has the same right to feel safe and be free from hunger and need, regardless of their nationality or asylum status. Together we create a different world and live humanity.