Our truck is on the way to Kurdistan
It is done: 12.9 tons of donations in kind packed in 1,200 banana boxes and additionally children’s bicycles, school blackboards, sewing machines and thousands of stuffed animals started their long journey to Iraq today.
Thanks to the diligent help of students from the BORG Güssing and many other helpers, the loading of these quantities went relatively quickly and we were able to live up to the name “Caravan of Humanity”.
A heartfelt THANK YOU to Josef, Erwin & Caso, Spedition Hofmann for the forklift, Sandra Fink-Rothmüller for the sorting space, Christian Pfeiffer for the pallets, students of the BORG Güssing and many, many more helping hands who made this miracle of humanity possible!
Now we have to keep our fingers crossed that the bureaucracy will cooperate smoothly and that the truck can enter Iraq without any problems!
PS: If you would like to support the children in Iraq, you are welcome to do so with a donation. Here you can donate online or simply via our donation account:
Caravan of Humanity, Raiffeisenbank Güssing
IBAN: AT14 3302 7000 0002, BIC: RLBBAT2E027